Friday, September 25, 2009

G's First Love

Yes, that's right. The time has come for my little boy. He has his first crush and her name is Dora the Explorer. I'm really not sure how this all came about, it happened so fast. He used to love the Wonder Pets and would only watch them. Well, all of a sudden he started refusing to watch them and wanting to watch "Doda". He will actually go and get the remote, bring it to me and say "Doda". It was really cute the first couple of times, but after we ended up watching "Doda" all day on a Saturday, I figured I should probably draw the line somewhere. We have since limited his exposure to his beloved Doda. Unfortunately, it is seeking other outlets.

We went to Toys R Us because they were having a diaper sale. We came across the section where they have the little chairs for toddlers. Which one does he pick out? You guessed it. He picked out the purple Dora chair. Z was less than thrilled, so he made G choose between the Batman chair and the Dora one. It was no contest. Needless to say we have a little purple Dora chair chilling in our living room. I saw him staring at it giving it kisses the other day. That's how I knew he was in love. So sweet.

For the past couple of weeks he has been breaking into his swim trunks drawer and bringing me swim trunks. I could not figure out why he would be doing this. What was the sudden fascination with swim trunks? Finally, one day I said "what the heck" and put them on him. He left the room and came back with a swim diaper and guess who was on the swim diaper...that's right, Dora. He knew that if he could convince me to put his trunks on than the swim diaper automatically goes with it and that way he could wear Dora around. Smart little booger. I let him wear his Dora swim diaper all day over his regular diaper. I had to reward his ingenuity.

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