Sunday, October 25, 2009

G's 2nd Birthday

This is his party with my side of the family.  Next week is the B family party.

A few new pics of my darlings...

Friday, October 23, 2009

She had finally had enough.

Supper time!

Messy peaches.
The last couple of weeks have been a bit crazy. I was diagnosed with Influenza A, which may or may not be Swine Flu. Either way it was miserable and I would prefer to never contract that again. The bottom line was that I had to be away from the kids until my fever broke and I was feverless and medicine-less for 24 hours. I stayed with Gpa M and Z stayed at the house to care for the kiddos. Much to our surprise, and Z's every prayer answered, his parents came down to help and hang out with the kids. Everyone that was involved was such a help. I know we wouldn't have been able to do it without them. And you want to know the best part? Nobody else caught the flu! Breastfeeding took quite the hit with me sleeping constantly, but I have managed to get my supply back up thanks to many supporting friends and their encouraging words. L thanks them. :)

We may have a problem with little miss L. She is turning into quite the trouble maker. First of all, she scoots. She doesn't crawl, she scoots. I woke up at 3 am the other day to hear crazy delightful squeals coming form her room. I made sure I grabbed my glasses, I wasn't going to miss this. She was crouching at one end of her crib on her knees, rocking back and forth so that the mattress was kind of bouncing, and then catapulting herself to the other side of the crib. She would laugh hysterically when she made it to the other side. I have seen her do a lot of things in these 7 precious months, but the bizarreness and timing of this one really takes the cake. She didn't even notice me when I walked in. She was perfectly content launching herself back and forth, she was just having trouble keeping her noise down. I sat in her rocking chair and watched her for a minute or two. I keep reminding myself that these middle of the night play dates are going to end all too soon, so I better get my fill now.

Last night wasn't so much of a play date as it was an actual situation. She woke up at 4 am crying. L, who never cries, was crying. Sometimes she will do that in her sleep, I will soothe her and then she is fine. But she was wide awake screaming. Z went in there first, didn't have any luck and decided that she was just going to have to cry it out. We have done cry it out with G before, but this just felt different. She had a different kind of cry this time, she was clearly upset about something. I went in there and she wasn't running a fever and she hadn't pooped her pants, so I know she was *okay*, she just wasn't okay. The only way she would stop crying is if I picked her up. I nursed her for a while in her chair while she yanked my hair and pulled my necklace. I thought she was settled, so I tried to lay her down again only for her to start screaming again. I was puzzled at this point, so I took her in our room. I thought maybe she could cuddle with me and we could sleep together. She wasn't having that either. So I took her back in her room and rocked her for a reeeeeeeeaaally long time until she zonked out. I was finally able to lay her down and go back to bed...after an hour...only to get up in another hour. Motherhood, it's pretty awesome.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An unsightly mess of the Italian variety.

LB causing mischief on a daddy daycare day.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My babies relaxing in their Halloween jammies on a rainy Sunday morning.

LB after she zombie-crawled into the kitchen. She is getting faster
and faster every day. I can't take my eye off of her for a minute or
she has disappeared into another room. Zombie crawler!!

Z and G working on the race track.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

G and I cuddling while watching the duckies. It's officially October!!